For almost two months, I was contemplating on how religion has the propensity to challenge every human life into diverging or converging in a certain faith and beliefs. Clearly, religion has an immense impact on humanity that it plays an inevitable but I must say is also a considerable issues, creating confusion and skepticism in our minds. And now, it particularly affects my being. The point of views and beliefs of different religions deviate from each that made them entirely different. Its spectrum hasn't narrowed down but it broadens over time into an aspect unreachable and sometimes unreasonable for us to understand. Affecting so much, too much of everything. Is it worth the prize or the war?
I was baptized as a Roman Catholic and none of us have ever tried to partake into other religion until now. One member of our family decided to have himself converted to Muslim. I really have nothing against what he had done but the others might have some angst and can be narrow-minded. I could not imagine how things will work out for them without even questioning the other person with his chosen path and religion. Having a different religion within the family, I could not amass the misunderstanding that may occur because for one, our family have been long dedicated to Catholicism. Difficult as it is, like a child trying to have his first few steps. Observing how things worked for them now, it looks looks to me that they are like children who are scared for the first day of school because afraid of the stereotype scenario that they would not gain friends and nobody would like them. It is a pretty much starter.
Two months ago, I pay no attention to whatever religion one may have. It was not a big deal for me as long as that factor does not affect the relationship that I have with that person. Now, I still goes for me that way but little changes occurred in my very eyes. I now play as an adviser for my father. He questioned my uncle about his conversion and he will rant about that issue every now and then. In the corner of my mind, I think he should not try to mind whatever the real reason for uncle's conversion and this put me into a lot of explanation. Everyone of us have our own preference. So what if he's a Muslim? Nothing has changed, he's still the same old person that we used to know. I guess it was just merely the thought of him having a change of heart that inflicted the others the thought that he had changed. But as for me, I know my uncle so well that I don't doubt any of his attitudes now. Maybe he had different beliefs now, he calls his god differently but that's just all. I still consider him as my second father among others.
Religions can be very diverse. There is really no single belief that will cause this world to merge. Respect is all we need to have understanding despite of our differences. If there are no differences that exist in this world, we will learn nothing and we will experience nothing. Learning comes from meeting people which has a different language from us. And so, beliefs are never meant to be questioned, it is meant to be understood. no matter what religion he has, what beliefs one holds, where country he comes from, what language he speaks, what he eats and what he does not; this only falls into a thin line of differences which unites us all. A world of diversity that inflicts us learning.
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