Sunday, January 31, 2010


As I read through every posts I have written(typed) last year, I cannot help but wonder why is that the same feeling would pierce me while I read each line. This time it's totally different and that is the reason why I am completely annoyed and disturbed by the sudden spasm of everything.

I could not deploy all things out. Maybe I do understand how that happens but what I could not explain was the part where I have to answer the question "why". I have long stayed and I fully stated my reasons, opinions and stand. Nevertheless, people have a difficulty understanding the sanity or maybe insanity of my decisions. They can never adjust to my childish thinking that is why they just let the feeling escape and along with that, they also opt for a choice that I never have spoken of, tearing all things apart and run off.

It's mind boggling and it puzzles me so much, that all I can think of is to try to break loose. Leaving behind or hanging on were neither the easiest nor the most difficult part. Its the time wherein you have to decide for yourself, on whether you have to let go or you have to give up. And for a person like me, usually we choose to let go instead of giving up. After all, we cannot blame the circumstances, the place, the time, and especially the person involve. In the first place, we all have our choices. I have my choices and they have theirs. No one can take that away from them and from us. If their choices go askew with mine, then so be it. It's just that we should have the courage to let the things and decisions we have long installed in our mind come to reality and of course, to take the risks of such decisions.

In the end, no one has to suffer. I believe it will always be a blessing for everyone,for we will continue to gain learning whenever such load of craps have to affect our lives. We only have two things to think of; whether you'll keep in line or break free, and you have to have a wise choice